Monday, September 6, 2010

The Past Two Weeks (approximately)

Tuesday 24th August
Got called in to work at the local servo at the last minute. Normally Tuesday was my day off, but my Manager argued me around; he pointed out that it will probably be the last time it will happen before the big changeover to the new fuel company. (And I figured, yeah, why not?)

About an hour later, as I come into the shop, I notice a group of young men who were having a deep conversation with the Manager. I step behind the counter and ask the Assistant Manager if he knew what was going on, and he replies, "It looks like they're the new commission agents for this site, and we've just been told we are no longer required at the end of the month."
Oh-kay, I kinda figured that this might have happened, but I was still trying to work out why they would want to remove everybody from the site, if there's only four or five of them to run it?
The mood among the general day staff (most of whom were also there at the time; the rest found out later) was pretty weird - relieved to find out the truth about what was going to happen with their jobs, but unhappy that it took until the very last week of employment to find out.

The Manager went out to an urgent team-leader meeting at head office. When he came back, it transpired that just about every site in the company had been bought out by commission agents (and was in the same boat as us)... except for one other site - and it happened to be the other one I was working at. "So hey, you're the lucky one, you still managed to keep your job, at least..."

Wednesday 25th August
Went to my regular shift at the above-mentioned site. My co-worker there asked me if I'd heard the news, and I told him what I'd seen the day before. He tells me that the managers are trying to chase up the paperwork so that we can all re-apply for our positions once we change over. I go through my shift, letting my regular customers know that at least some of us will still be working here next month.

That night, I call in to the other servo to see how the night staff have taken the news. They seem well resigned to it - but they also tell me that our company made headline news on the local TV bulletin. I'd missed the 7pm broadcast, but I was still able to catch the Midnight re-screening. The story detailed how the staff had all lost their jobs in the space of a week, and brought up some archival footage of the CEO explaining how "jobs were no more secure than if he hadn't made the sale". They also had a voiceover of a 'disgruntled employee' who had called in to explain their side of the issue, and about how most of the relieved staff had mortgages and families to look after. They disguised his voice, but I still recognised him.

Thursday 26th August
Went back to work at what was apparently my only job now. During the night, and on the way there, I tried to work out how my new situation was going to work - since I only worked at that site 15 hours a week, it was not going to justify the expense of travel there and back, yet having a bit of work going would make my Unemployment benefits go a bit further. (I'd be entitled to Centrelink benefits because I would be getting less than 30 hours a week.)

When I got to work, however, my co-worker told me that they'd "hit a boulder". Apparently, while we'd been assured that all our places would be kept here, the incoming owners had either changed their minds or been misunderstood - because only the full-timers would be kept, not the part-timers. And... guess which one I was?


Friday 27th August
I still went about my business as I normally did; after all, I was still getting paid by the same company (for now), and I still had a good amount of work to do (as per normal). It just felt bad that I had to go back on what I'd told everyone on Wednesday.

As it turned out, a lot of people were very understanding. There were several customers who were previously happy account-holders, but, when they tried to apply for the account card offered by the new company:
  • were rejected, because the new system wouldn't allow applicants who didn't have an ABN code (in other words, wanted to use the account for personal reasons, instead of as a business or company)
  • baulked when they saw how high the monthly rate was (something like $12 a month, compared to the $2 we used to charge)
  • weren't sure if they would be able to freely use it all over the country, like they could with the previous cards (the new company is sort of up-and-coming, whereas we used to be like a licensee of a much bigger brand name)
And a lot of others were just unhappy with the direction the way the company was going in general. There was also a surprising amount of, um, racism... which, intentional or not, made me feel a bit uncomfortable (especially since some of the staff were staying on).

I usually left that site a bit later than most, because I like to make sure I catch everything I missed before I go. I somehow managed to leave the site about an hour and a half after normal closing time, yet I think I left the air-con going all weekend by mistake...

Saturday 28th August
Came in to a workplace that had left us with almost nothing interesting to do, aside from cook food (what's left of it), try to rearrange the shelf stock so it's neat (what's left of it), top-up the drinks (what's left of them) and serve customers (what's left of them).

You see, prior to last Tuesday's bombshell, the staff had kept the incoming orders low, so that when the big interchange happened, the shop-wide stocktake that would then take place would be a lot easier. This meant that, by the last weekend, the entire back-storeroom was EMPTY. It gave me a complete shock when I walked out there the first time, because for the six years I've been working there, I've NEVER seen the storeroom that bare before!

So yeah. Apart from the usual site-checks and things, it was business as normal.
...Oh, and I also heard from a lot of customers that they "weren't coming back to this shop next week" either. I suspected a few of the staff members had been telling the customers a few home truths too... ;)

Sunday 29th August
Last day at work, hooray! I wasn't hugely unhappy, because I knew that the Manager had organised a big event for the Last Tuesday (a big yummy BBQ to which everyone was invited!) and so I'd get to say a proper goodbye to everybody before we broke up.

It was strangely awesome just doing your job, not having to worry about doing it all over again tomorrow, and the next... knowing that you can just get stuff done, even though in a few days' time it wouldn't matter for shit. I didn't care what my co-worker did - I just left him to watch the front if he wanted to, and to cover the register if he felt like a break.

It felt great.

I ate dinner - and then I didn't feel so great.
Not totally AWFUL, mind - just like, you know, when you feel you've eaten a bit too much, or ate something that didn't agree with you.

Nah, I felt fine.

Feeling AWFUL... no, that came later.

Monday 30th August
First day as a FREE MAN, man! I'd planned to use today as a chance to say goodbye to the other folks I'd worked with at the other sites, drop off a few uniforms and keys and things, take some photos, share some memories, and generally tie things off until Tuesday, but...

Wait, what? Why do I still feel funny?

Why the hell did I sleep through three alarm clocks?!


I get up, take some paracetamol, and feel a bit better. Take a shower. Gather up the stuff I needed to take, open the mailbox, and discover -
Hey! Phone bill, I'll pay that too.
Hey! Letter from Real Estate, we're getting a house inspection in HOW MANY DAYS?!?
Okay, have to go into Estate Agent's and re-negotiate an extension on the inspection date too. (sigh)

I eventually manage to catch up with some of the folks I worked with, and drop off all of the old work-clothes I had, not that anyone else will be needing those for a while (heh-heh). I manage to pay the phone bill with interest, and get the necessary extension time to the inspection.

I am relieved...

I also discovered that the EFTPOS system went down during the day, and a lot of the sites were forced to use those old-fashioned paper vouchers (the triplicate card-swipey type)... and of course, all OUR sites were just the same (to add insult to injury, I guess). I feel bad for all the staff who couldn't care any less about explaining to customers, over and over again, "Um, they system's gone down, I'm gonna have to get some details... Oh, wait, I'm gonna have to get an authorisation code..."

Tuesday 31st August
Tuesday morning, I had trouble getting out of bed.

Around noon, I had slightly less trouble getting out of bed.

Around 2pm, I managed to get out of bed - but only just, and with pharmaceutical help.

Something was WRONG...

[psst. there's more to come, but I ran outta room - stay tuned]

1 comment:

Sandman Moon said...

Oh my god, I haven't stopped by in a while, and look at all this news! How are things going now? Have you found a new job? Where's the rest of this post you promised? I'm dying to know how this turned out!