Friday, April 24, 2009

Who Goes Bare?

I forgot to tell you - I went to see my sister and her man semi-naked in a play yesterday.
Well, not her so much as him. o_o;;

Oh, relax.
It was all well and good.
They both got parts bad choice of words, I know in another British farce called "Who Goes Bare". It was quite funny, actually, and last night's performance went really well.
Apparently, it was the best one so far, because the previous two performances were kinda oopsy. The second show saw a glass shattering across the stage and into the audience, because someone threw a hat at it! My sister was playing the role of a chambermaid, and had to quickly run out and clean it up before someone injured themselves and make it look like a natural part of the play!

Yeesh. It's not an easy job...
Anyway, even though i got to seem more of the cast than I ever really needed to and btw, glad I didn't get front row seats for this particular show I had a really good night.
Thankyou folks!


Okay, fine, I'll join Twitter. My handle is Blue_Chicken. Look for the new feed thingy appearing on the right.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Work? Don't Talk To Me About Work...

Ahhhh.... Work is crazy, as per usual.
We still haven't upgraded our system yet at my usual haunt, but we've had a few problems of our own over the past week. Unfortunately, I don't feel like talking about them right now. Let's just say: someone quit over the weekend; half the staff are too ill to come in; and it will all be better soon - I hope!

I received my $900 Stimulus Payment last week, so I figured I should spend some of it.
I went and bought three new games for the collection:
I am trying to think of other ideas for using this money productively. I really don't fancy having nothing to show for this but a handful of games and toys and other rubbish!

Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier that I now also have Wario: Master of Disguise (DS), which is typical Wario treasure-grabbing fare. Lotsa fun!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Word Up!

Hey! I just found this new Java-applet-site called Wordle. It lets you create works of art using typography and word frequency. All you need to do is provide a block of text, let the program generate the pattern of words, and tweak according to taste.

This being totally relevant to my interests, I naturally had to have a go. I cut and pasted a paragraph from Alice in Wonderland (courtesy of the Gutenberg Project). Click the picture to see it bigger at the actual site.
Wordle: Alice Unlocks A Door

If you want to have a go, remember this: Anything you post on the site will stay there permanently, so don't go posting anything personal or obscene.
Have fun, and let me know if you create anything nice!

Happy Easter to All!

I hope everyone who visits this blog managed to have a cool Easter long weekend! I had to work, but hey, someone had to...
And, let's just say that there were a lot of people caught short when they discovered that we were the only place open for the public holidays. By Monday evening we were out of bread, milk, and small change. Eeep.
Seriously, though...Easter was fine, and everyone got nice chocolatey things. Ma gave me a block of Kiwi-fruit-flavoured chocolate! A weird combination, but it's not as surreal as those Kit Kats I tried a few months ago.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Making Comments

I should also point that I've adjusted the settings of the blog so that anyone can post anonymously, because I know that not everyone who knows me has a Gmail account or similar.

If you want to make a comment on a particular posting, click on the text that reads "[n] PEOPLE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BIT". You can type in your comment, and then follow the directions as shown on the form.

The only thing I ask is that, if you do post a comment, please include your name, as in "Hi! Bob here! I just wanted to say..." or something like that. That way I know who's been following this stuff, and I can answer appropriately.

And if I get inundated with spam or flame, I'm switching it back to the way it was. So behave yourselves.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

...and Hello!

An explanation for the previous post is overdue...
and here it is! Along with some extra news:
  1. For those of you who did not get the hidden message in the last post, Please Read It Again. Admittedly, I posted it a few days late. But no, I have not decided to suddenly get a life and quit blogging. Yep, there will be more mundane postings to come!
  2. Things are crazy at work at the moment. We are in the process of changing our cash registers to a new touch-screen interface. So far, only one site has made the upgrade, and they have been having LOADS of issues with it. Like f'rinstance, when they installed the central control unit - the first time they tried it out, it worked perfectly. But when they tried to install it permanently, it threw sparks, and caused about 80% of the petrol pumps to blow their circuits! YIKES.
  3. The other thing that worries me about the new system is that, although I am experienced enough to know how this one will work (because it's very similar to the old system we had when I started working here) I am worried that all of the new staff who have arrived in the meantime will look at this thing and PANIC because they have no idea what to do! I can see myself becoming very busy over the next few months...
  4. Well, I guess I know that I'm wanted. I'm a wanted man! Look out!
  5. Other stuff. We had another earth tremor about a week after the last one I mentioned, but I was outside sitting on the ground at the time and didn't feel a thing. Apparently it affected the same area it struck last time, and of course everyone in the City was freaked out by it, as if they were the only ones who felt it, but never mind.
  6. Last week, I was serving a customer when I heard this strange creaking sound coming from one of the aisles. I look up, and sure enough, tiles were starting to bulge up and crack out of the floor! O_O Very strange stuff. It took about an hour for the damage to stop, and at the end, we had about a 2 metre long run of cracked and shattered tiles. Why did they do this? I'm not 100% sure, but I think it may have been all of the rain we've suddenly been getting. (Most of the town is built on clay, and it's been a long dry summer. A day's worth of rain ought to make all the clay swell up, and then, things start moving about...)
  7. Easter is coming, and I've done all the shopping I need to do. Now I just have to visit everyone and give out all the gifts and things I've been holding on to for too long... I still have Chrsitmas gifts to give out, for crying out loud! slack slack slack
  8. Aaaand... Krys and Andrew are in a play together, involving nudity. Well, imitation nudity - I've been told that the "nude" cast will actually be wearing modesty garments and those flesh-coloured lycra things that give the appearance of nudeness, so it won't be a total shock when I invite my polite 50-ish friend to come along with us to see it. :D
That's about it. And no, I haven't got a Twitter account yet. ;P

Saturday, April 4, 2009


After keeping up the pretence for about a year, I have come to the decision that I have no real need to share my daily goings-on with the world.

Perhaps it's for the best. Really, it's been fun, but I can't just fill posts up with random crap, can I? I have to actually find something more practical with my time; something that actually helps the community, rather than just wasting my time so that a mere handful of people can read this. Let's face it, that's hardly a worthwhile audience.

Furthermore, I haven't got the time to keep updating this thing. Oh, yeah, of course I can make time, but like I said, why bother doing this when no-one is going to read it? (Or post comments - or, did none of you notice that I've allowed anyone to post anonymously?)

Looks like it's time for me to go, but don't worry, the blog will be staying even if I don't post any more, so feel free to keep this page in your address book.

... ;D