Thursday, April 16, 2009

Word Up!

Hey! I just found this new Java-applet-site called Wordle. It lets you create works of art using typography and word frequency. All you need to do is provide a block of text, let the program generate the pattern of words, and tweak according to taste.

This being totally relevant to my interests, I naturally had to have a go. I cut and pasted a paragraph from Alice in Wonderland (courtesy of the Gutenberg Project). Click the picture to see it bigger at the actual site.
Wordle: Alice Unlocks A Door

If you want to have a go, remember this: Anything you post on the site will stay there permanently, so don't go posting anything personal or obscene.
Have fun, and let me know if you create anything nice!

1 comment:

caf said...

Wow, I didn't realise Alice in Wonderland was old enough to be on Project Gutenberg. But of course the copyright expired decades back.

I guess it's one of those works that really do seem timeless, so you don't think about how old it is. ...Well, I don't anyway.