Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sketches, Part 1

As most of my friends know, I have a collection of sketch-book type journals - about twelve of them, at last count. They're not diaries as you would think of them, ie. written prose about daily life (like, say, a blog), but they are still an historical record of my life. They're more of a scrapbook/collage/memento collection than anything else; if I see something that I like and think is worth keeping, I stick it in one of my books for future reference.
Or, rather, I used to. Sadly, I haven't been filling them out so much these days.
It seems that the energy that I used to put into maintaining them has now been sublimated into my Paid Occupation, which depresses me. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to focus on one major element of my life at a time, and all else gets delegated to a lower rung. [sigh]

Anyway, I recently started scanning in some of my sketches for use with one of the Antix games (yes, they're coming), and I thought that today, I would share some of them with you.
These following sketches were drawn freehand with a black fineliner. I was experimenting with line and form here, coming up with figures that are more basic and geometric, yet are still recognisable and have unique character. I tried to produce some more figures in the same style later on, but I guess they were a "one time thing".

Clicking them makes them bigger, you know.
You can also check out the rest of the images in my Picasa album if you want.
EDIT: These links now actually work! I have no idea why they didn't before...

Comments are appreciated... ;)


caf said...

I got a 404 Not Found error when I tried clicking on them, but even small, they are very cool :)

Sympathies about not having the time to do anything with your visual journals. I have the same problem.

Neb said...

I think I figured out why they didn't link before... it seems that the address for them has changed since I posted them. I knew that Google were doing some maintenance to their servers, and I guess that was one of the things they fixed.

I'm sorry you're not journaling much either at the moment. Work sucks, hey?

caf said...

In my case it's not so much work this year, and 'research' ...which sort of feels like work but is more fun.
It's looking up :)

Kris said...

They are great... I think you should print them and make a series of them.