Monday, May 4, 2009

Mmm... Candy...

Only popping in to say two things:
  1. My job will improve once we get the new register system up and running properly. OHMYGOD we had some really big problems this week -

    but, this blog is not the place for those sorts of things. I have to draw the line somewhere, after all...

  2. I am really liking this: CandyBlog , though I can't for the life of me imagine why... drooool
    I really shouldn't be looking at confectionery I'll probably never be able to try, but it's just soooo gooood... And you can tell that the owner of the blog really enjoys their work.
That's all. Oh, and hello to my Ma if she's still tuning in. I haven't forgotten when your Birthday is, either. Grin.

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