Yesterday, I had the gaping hole in my back wisdom tooth filled, after having the wind whistle through it for the past four months. Fortunately it wasn't a very deep hole, but it must have been a fairly extensive repair because I'm still a little tender on that side...
Because I don't have any private health insurance, I paid the whole amount out of pocket, for the privilege of having my mouth numbed and my tooth drilled. $140~ is a fair bit to pay for dental peace of mind, but it's worth it.
Today, I went to visit my friends in Warragul. I hadn't seen them since they moved back from the US, and I figured I was overdue.
We stopped for lunch; my friend insisted on paying for the meal, since she felt she owed me for the tickets to Dali I bought for her a few months ago. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to agree that paying $30 for three six-inch subs, plus drinks and snacks, was a fair price... slightly awkward scene in a queue as she negotiated something cheaper...
We then went back to her place, where her and her husband's cats decorated me with hair - I was wearing head-to-toe black, what the hell was I thinking?! - and we watched The Black Balloon:
We spent most of the afternoon discussing things, like how our jobs were going (not great, but it could always be worse) and what we were planning on doing with our lives. You know, the usual. But the best thing about spending time with them was that it gave me a chance to stop worrying about my own problems, and listen to others' - and of course offer support.
Then my friends had to go into town to chase up some homewares and do their grocery shopping; while they were checking out electrical goods, I snuck across to the Home Entertainment shop across the road and picked up some more music. I'm such a junkie for tunes, now that I have a half-dozen different MP3 players. Music Is Always Good.
Tonight, I'm going to give this on-line shopping thing a try... There are a few books that I'm having trouble getting through the usual channels - most of the bookshops I've asked have looked at me and gone, "Duh...?" but I suspect that's mostly due to the books being out-of-print or hard-to-find.
And I really ought to curb my spending, even though I've been doing just fine over the past few (busy, work-filled) weeks. Christmas seems to start a strange spending momentum in me; of course, having the stores reduce all of their stock after Christmas does not help much. ;)
I'll be good, I promise! In the meantime, thank you Katie and Randy for an awesome afternoon! Next time I'll bring the others with me (if they're available)!