Sunday, January 17, 2010

Games Night

As I write this, my friend Andrew is playing with my sister's PS2... We have tidied up the house after an inspection, and we used the opportunity to have company over, so naturally we made it a bit of a games night.
We had a few rounds of Buzz!, which was one of the gifts Santa brought my sister last month. The game is itself loaded with innuendo, but it makes for a much more surreal game if you give your character a suggestive name, and have the game announce "NIPPLES is the Winner!"
Then, we had a play at SingStar for my sister's benefit, because she hardly gets the chance to bring out the mikes; sadly, I'm the only other one game enough to play along with her, and my singing is not the best.

We also tried to get a LAN thing going, but it took a few hours before all the bugs got sorted out. There were more than a few swear words flying back and forth before the system was set up properly, but in the end it all worked out, and a few rounds of Quake 3 were had.

I managed to finish M&L: Bowser's Inside Story yesterday, and now my sister is having a go at it after bugging me for the past week. Now, I begin the journey into LoZ: Spirit Tracks, which is a very strange game indeed. Most of the Zelda series have been based in a "middle ages" environment, but this one features, of all things, a train as the central plot device. What next, a motorcycle?

I go to the dentist on Monday, and hopefully go to visit my friend on Tuesday (assuming my car is up to the task); and then I'm back at work for another few days. Oh, rapture. Well, guess I'd better make the most of my free time!


Lottie Lynn said...

(Loretta here.) Aha! I have located your blog again! (To do so, I had to remember the address of my own old blog that I don't maintain at all anymore, so I could find yours on my links list.) I'm back in Seattle now, and have asked Mozilla to kindly make a nice little button for your blog below the line where you type in websites. That way, I'll see the button every day and my forgetful self will at last remember to read it regularly!

By the way, with all this you've said about games, I think you would really love the people I hang out with in Seattle. If you ever find yourself in this city for some reason, let me know, I'll introduce you to them!

Neb said...

It's good to know that there are people reading the blog.

Incidentally, "Lo", I realised that while you were in Korea I could have sent you confectionery without having to fill out loads of paperwork like I have to for US-bound stuff... but sadly it looks like I'm too late to take advantage of it! Damn my slow-witted mind!