Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Toothy Update

I finally got to see the dentist today.
I only went in to tell them that the tooth had broken, and that I needed to get an appointment as soon as possible. Just so happened, they had just had an appointment broken by a patient right when I was at the counter, so I managed to get into the chair straight away! Luckily I'd brushed before leaving the house!

It appears that, despite the tooth breaking in half, it was still salvageable. I think he's just going to put a cap on it once the root canal is finished, so that is good news! Although... I was kind of getting used to having a gap (well, half a gap) in that spot - I was always having to grab the dental floss to pull out chunks of food that got stuck in between that tooth and the next. Blech.

For round two of the root canal, I had to have a dental dam placed over my mouth, and he had to use a little MRI-type thing to test the depth of the roots. It was a weird machine that played different tones depending on how far down the probe went, and it's the first time I've been asked if I had a heart condition while sitting in a dentist's chair!

He's put in another temp. filling over the tooth, only this time it's a pink one:

PS. The second-most-disturbing question from a dentist I've ever been asked:
"Er, do you normally take a long time to stop bleeding...?"
True story!

1 comment:

caf said...

wow, that is a crazy pink.