Friday, December 25, 2009

More Kit Kats from Japan

Okay, catching up from this post:

This was what came out of the second parcel from my friend in Japan. More weird parallel-universe-y flavours of everyone's favourite chocolate wafer stick biscuit*!

My friend was kind enough to attach labels to the packets to explain which one was which flavour; unfortuantely, they've all since fallen off. So, I had to do some puzzling out as to which flavour was which:
  1. Apple Carrot flavour! Tastes exactly as it sounds! And not entirely bad at that, despite any misgivings you'd have about a savoury flavour in a confection.
  2. Soybean Rice Cake?!? This one didn't taste that much different from a regular Chocolate Kit Kat. The flavour must have been too subtle for my tastebuds.
  3. Cherry. A nice sweet flavour with a pink chocolate coating. There was some contest mentioned on the outer; I'm guessing this was released as a promo for some rock band, or something? :/
  4. Plum Soda. As in, a plum-flavoured soft drink. Convincing and pleasant enough, even though I've never even heard of a plum-flavoured soft drink before I tried this chocolate bar flavoured like one.
  5. Mango Pudding. Num num! Me likey!
  6. These blue ones were flavoured to taste like something called Ramune Soda. No, I don't know what a "ramune" is. But the bar tasted like a 7-up, so I'm guessing it must be plain soda-flavour? (edit: Oh, I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!!! Ramune is a brand of soft drink that is popular in Japan, and the bottles are sealed with a marble embedded in the neck, like all soda bottles were before screw caps became popular. There are some Asian shops in Australia that sell them, and I've tried them before. They are very nice!)
Clicking this will lead you to the Wikipedia article about Kit Kats, and it includes a list of all the flavours of Kit Kat released over the world. Later, I'll include a photo of all some of the flavours we've had in Australia, for comparision. Aaand, here's what was in the first parcel Nova sent me back at the start of the year! Bon appetite!

* Unless you of course prefer something other than a Kit Kat. Your mileage may vary.


Kris said...

The soybean ricecake one did taste a little like ricecakes... of the soybean variety. It was subtle.

You didn't tell me it was ramune soda... I've actually heard of that!

They were so tasty I ate all my flavours in one night!

Lottie Lynn said...

Wow, those sound FASCINATING! I'm jealous!

Neb said...

Yeah, I wish I could have shared them with everyone I know! Unfortunately, they were only a very limited supply; my Japan-based friend had a limited budget, and she was only staying there for a few more months.

Then again, it might be possible to round some up from a Japanese grocer... maybe. :?