Thursday, June 12, 2008

Making Comments

Hey Folks!

Some of you have told me that you have tried to make a comment on one or two of the things on this blog. Well, okay, it was just Ma, but her question will do for you all.

In order to make a comment through a Blogspot site, you need to be registered with one of these participating services:
Most of these are standard Internet journal-keeping sites or social networking sites. However, OpenID is merely a system of on-line identification, and you can immediately sign up for one if you wish. You need to have an account with one of these groups to be allowed to post a comment.
Not all weblogs are like this - some, like this blog let you get away with just an email address and a name - but, unless there is a way of altering it, I'm afraid the only way you can comment on anything on this site is in person, or in an email.

EDIT: I have fixed the situation so that you can now post anonymously, without having to go through all of that hassle. Check this out to see how you do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EDIT: I've worked out how to fix it so that anyone can post a comment, even anonymously if they wish. Just click the "Comment" link and select your choice of identification.