Friday, June 27, 2008

Ludicrous Portraits of Me

Here are a couple more pictures of me that I found while seeking out mural photos.

The first is of me dressed in the Super Mario costume I mentioned earlier. Sorry it's not full length, but I didn't find any that were of just me (because I won't put other people's faces on this without permission, especially in fancy dress).
I wore the Super Mario costume for Ella's 30th Birthday "Fancy Dress" party. Ella thought having a costume party for her birthday would be a fun idea, and who doesn't like getting dressed up for a bit of fun?
Ma made the costumes for us again, because she rocks at making them. She also made Krissy's Rainbow Brite costume (she could have chosen between RB or The Little Mermaid; I guess she didn't fancy wearing seashells). There were a lot of really good costumes worn by the partygoers, and everyone had fun. Ma and Ray went as Morticia and Gomez Addams, and the Birthday Girl went as Tinkerbell!

This second photo is a little party trick I did to improve the mood at the studio. It freaked Trish out all the time! Imagine me making chomping motions while doing this, and you can probably understand why...

And these don't really belong in this section Ha! me pretending there's logic and order to all of this, but this is what we did with all the expired paint trays at the studio. We were very good at recycling - rather than just go out and pay for a bunch of brand-new paint palettes, we scrounged around for plastic packaging inserts, like those in a chocolate box or Easter Egg display. These did the job as well as any purpose-made palette. Not bad for garbage!
However, once the trays had been used for painting, Trish couldn't bear to throw them away. Most of them had dried out into interesting patterns, creating works of "accidental" art. But she needed to use them for something, and by coincidence she also needed something to help control noise in the "facilities", so she came up with the idea of using the trays as a primitive sort of sound proofing (like those acoustic tiles used in sound studios).

Okay, so it didn't really make much difference in reducing the sound from inside, but once we'd put them all over the ceiling and walls, it did look very nice in there. Especially all the stuff sitting upside down on the ceiling! (Don't worry - I just used a Hot Glue gun to stick the majority of these onto the walls, so they come off really easily.)

If you haven't seen the other three posts below this one, check 'em out now. Next time, I'll tell you about some of the other games I've been working on! Seeyas!


Lottie Lynn said...

I love the Mario costume! And the paint trays on the walls. Did I ever send you a picture of my boyfriend's dorm our freshman year of college? In those days of free AOL startup disk CD rom displays at every store in town, the guys would go take tons of those CD's and glue them all over their walls, silver side out. The result was, well, walls and ceilings covered in shimmery CDness. I think i still have a picture somewhere... Anyway, thanks for your entertaining email! I'll respond on the weekend, as right now I'm supposed to be doing my homework. (Summer school is SO not cool!)

Neb said...

Yeah, you did! I was actually trying to save up discs for you guys to add to the collection, but I never got around to sending them. God, how many of those AOL discs did they make? Civilisations will probably collapse, and they'll still be finding these damn AOL CDs!!!